6 Jan 2017



77/365 Away for the weekend. And probably not getting up too early in the morning.

5 Jan 2017

Blaise Ivy

Blaise Ivy

76/365 Ivy on a gravestone at St. Mary’s Church, Henbury. Taken on a wander around the Blaise Castle Estate.

4 Jan 2017

Green Door

Green Door

75/365 Nothing particularly inspired today. I mostly worked on knocking up a little app to remind me of past tweets, given that I’m coming up to my ten-year anniversary on Twitter. It didn’t leave a lot of time for going outside, other than a quick dash to Waitrose for bread, just before sunset. This door’s round […]

3 Jan 2017

Vauxhall Lichen

Vauxhall Lichen

74/365 Lichen on Vauxhall Bridge. I’m standing about where you can see a person on the bridge in yesterday’s photo.

2 Jan 2017

Chocolate Path

Chocolate Path

73/365 A little bank holiday jaunt to the shops at Wapping Wharf to buy milk and butter. Even a walk to the shops in Bristol can be pretty enchanting.