23 Dec 2016



63/365 An indoor day today, mostly due to Storm Barbara. After having to move all my books on and off my shelves a few times, I’d given up on having them in alphabetical order. Earlier on this year, a “friend” of mine who has a slight tendency towards OCD spontaneously sorted a few shelves into order. […]

22 Dec 2016
21 Dec 2016

Solstice Sunrise

Solstice Sunrise

61/365 Sunrise at Avebury Stone Circle, winter solstice.

20 Dec 2016

Tiny Tree

Tiny Tree

  60/365 Tiny tree. Thank you, parents! I detect the hand of my step-mother Maggie in the cross-stitch here :D

19 Dec 2016



59/365 If you do a 365, you will inevitably encounter some days where you don’t have the energy to go outdoors or think of anything creative.