Review Corner: RAVPower 5‑in‑1 FileHub

Last night I was out in town. I reached into my pocket for my iPhone, and experienced that sinking feeling. You know: your hand closes on your phone and you realise it’s pretty much red hot. Then you pull it out and find that some app’s been showing a video preview of the interior of […]
Flickr Milestone

I just hit something of a Flickr milestone. I was helped over this limit by getting a few photos in Explore recently. This is my favourite, which I’ve just ordered printed on aluminium for putting on my bathroom wall :D Hopefully it’ll look all right. He was hard to get close to, so this is […]
Photography Tip: Commentary Processing

You come home from a photo walk with a cardful of images. You find some free time, and then you shut yourself away in a room, make sure nobody’s going to disturb you, fire up Lightroom, and start work. Does that sound like you? It certainly sounds like me. But this makes photo processing something of […]