13 Feb 2017

Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme…

Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme…

115/365 Well, okay, just rosemary, if I’m honest. Planting up a shiny new rosemary bush for the front steps. Spring is in the air… Random extra picture bonus: this is a photo I took five minutes later, and I think is better. Still. Let them both stand. 

13 Feb 2017

Pedal to the Metal

Pedal to the Metal

Igor’s posts about putting together a guitar pedal kit inspired me to buy myself one for my birthday. I chose the Britannia pedal, a Vox AC30 simulation circuit from runoffgroove.com. I found that Jed’s Peds, a UK supplier, were selling a Britannia kit including a PCB and pre-drilled box, which was very handy. I’m pretty good […]

12 Feb 2017



114/365 Just a snap of the bridge today. This was the chilliest, windiest bit of my walk to the Tobacco Factory Market.

11 Feb 2017
10 Feb 2017