4 Aug 2010

Installing Markdown as an OS X Services Menu Item Using Automator

I just had a quick look around the web for ways to install Markdown translation as a Service (i.e. available from the Services menu) on my Mac. Most of the hits I got seemed to be quite old, and involved hacking about with an existing service for another text converter. So, I experimented. And the […]

2 Aug 2010

Merlin Mann on Time and Attention

I feel like a doctor… and I feel like periodically I get this stream of people who are almost dead from a brain tumour the size of a volleyball, and they mainly want me to find out where they can get bigger hats. And with all of my might, I try to say to them: […]

2 Aug 2010

On the Amazon Kindle, Model Numbers, and The Bezos Big Block Graphic

I just ordered a Kindle. I’d tell you the model number, but it doesn’t seem to have one. My confirmation email tells me that I’ve ordered the “Kindle Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 6″ Display, Graphite, 3G Works Globally — Latest Generation”. Just trips off the tongue, doesn’t it? There’s a lot of strange things about […]

22 Jul 2010

Funny Characters

I’m just reading Joel Spolksy’s excellent 2003 article on Unicode and character sets, I think for the first time. If you’re a programmer and have the least bit of doubt about character encodings, I’d go read it now, if I were you. Not least because it’s so damn well written. The IBM-PC had something that […]

14 Jul 2010

Batch Processing Files in Audacity

I’ve just recorded a short screencast that shows you how to create a new chain in Audacity and apply it to multiple files. This lets you process a whole batch of audio files in pretty much any way of your choosing pretty painlessly. Probably best watched on YouTube itself in the original 480p (you may […]