8 Dec 2016



48/365 A rare bus ride for me. I only caught it because it pulled up at the stop immediately before I got there. I hate waiting for buses.

7 Dec 2016

Avon Calling

Avon Calling

47/365 Ending a walk on the Chocolate Path at sunset.

6 Dec 2016



46/365 I’ve not been doing my morning pages for a while. Perhaps if I lay everything out in advance…

5 Dec 2016

Make Do and Mend

Make Do and Mend

45/365 This afternoon was mostly spent trying to figure out what was wrong with my computer speakers, a set of M‑Audio’s AV40s. The right channel is suddenly a lot quieter than the left. Sadly, there were no obvious problems — I was hoping for a blown capacitor or a dodgy connection somewhere — so for the £100 they cost a […]

4 Dec 2016

Garden Visitor

Garden Visitor

44/365 A little visitor to the garden this morning.