2 Apr 2011

Flickr Noir

This was an elderly blog post about my browser extension that would turn a Flickr photo black and white, but that’s long-defunct now. Sorry!

20 Mar 2011

Review: Withings Body Scale

Like many geeks, I sit on my backside all day. Since I started jogging (using Get Running, naturally) I’ve been fitter, but I’ve not lost any of my over-ample girth. Over the course of this winter I’ve probably gained a stone1. At nearly 18 stone2 now, something needs to be done. And what does a […]

27 Feb 2011

How a Live Pet Project Can Help You Learn

I have a pet. It’s a bit of an odd pet, and it grew from a childhood obsession. My pet is Unique Sentence, a website I run for saving, well, unique sentences. Sentences said in everyday conversation that you know have just never been said before. Like this one: “Kylie Minogue is not going to come […]

26 Feb 2011

A SQL Server Correlated Subquery Gotcha

Warning: exceptionally geeky post coming up. Those reading for Kindle reviews and other fluffy stuff will want to skip this one… I was hanging out Stack Overflow the other day, and saw a question title that resonated with me: Column does not exist in the IN clause, but SQL runs. It resonated because I’d fallen victim […]

28 Oct 2010

Review: Duragadget Kindle 3 Leather Case with Adjustable Stand

In my marathon Kindle 3 review, I bemoaned the price of the official Amazon Kindle case (£30 for the basic version!) Also, though it’s great that I can put the Kindle down on a table and read it — it doesn’t fold itself shut like a paperback would — the slightly-glossier-than-paper screen means it’s more sensitive to viewing angles […]