The Last Gasp of Summer

14/30 in my September photo-a-day. A quick snap from my lunchtime walk. I could only get out for half an hour at around noon, so my photographic opportunities were a bit sparse. (Also, street photography is a lot harder when getting close to people isn’t exactly advised. Who’d’ve thought?) Still, it’s nice to be reminded that […]
Wishing Candle

13/30 in my September photo-a-day. Detail from the Clifton Down Wishing Tree. It was a nice morning for a walk around the Downs.
Small Improvements

12/30 in my September photo-a-day. Well, they can’t all be artistic photos. One thing I’ve been doing to keep my sanity as the work-from-home months have progressed is to regularly re-visit my setup and see if it can be improved. I don’t always have the money to make any major upgrades — I’m still umming and ahhing over […]
Hello, Ducks

11/30 in my September photo-a-day. I took this photo on my morning commute. This wasn’t just any commute, but my first commute since 16 March. 179 days. Wow. The office was very quiet. But I enjoyed the walk, as always (13,036 steps so far today, according to my watch) and there was actually one other person in […]