28 Apr 2011

WordPress Header Images

This is a collection of flower-themed header images designed for the WordPress Twenty Ten theme. All the headers are based on photos I took myself in Bristol. The images strike a good balance between picture quality and file-size (each full-size image weighs in at a maximum 41KB.) To use these, first download the images to […]

13 Apr 2011

Review: TrendyDigital Waterguard Plus Kindle 3 Case

I have a couple of things in common with the late Douglas Adams. Unfortunately, those couple of things aren’t a talent for fiction and a substantial collection of expensive guitars. No, instead I share his passion for technology and his love of taking very long baths1. I’ve now combined those two interests, by buying the […]

2 Apr 2011

Flickr Noir

This was an elderly blog post about my browser extension that would turn a Flickr photo black and white, but that’s long-defunct now. Sorry!

31 Mar 2011

An Out-of-Book Experience

I’ve been enjoying some HP Lovecraft on my Kindle recently. This is thanks to Cthulu Chick, who has produced a free, Kindle-friendly Complete Works of HP Lovecraft (also compatible with most other book readers.) This evening, on the ferry home from a long day at work, I pulled out my Kindle, turned it on, clicked into […]

20 Mar 2011

Review: Withings Body Scale

Like many geeks, I sit on my backside all day. Since I started jogging (using Get Running, naturally) I’ve been fitter, but I’ve not lost any of my over-ample girth. Over the course of this winter I’ve probably gained a stone1. At nearly 18 stone2 now, something needs to be done. And what does a […]