Review Corner: RAVPower 5‑in‑1 FileHub
Last night I was out in town. I reached into my pocket for my iPhone, and experienced that sinking feeling. You know: your hand closes on your phone and you realise it’s pretty much red hot. Then you pull it out and find that some app’s been showing a video preview of the interior of […]
Flickr Milestone
I just hit something of a Flickr milestone. I was helped over this limit by getting a few photos in Explore recently. This is my favourite, which I’ve just ordered printed on aluminium for putting on my bathroom wall :D Hopefully it’ll look all right. He was hard to get close to, so this is […]
Photography Tip: Commentary Processing
You come home from a photo walk with a cardful of images. You find some free time, and then you shut yourself away in a room, make sure nobody’s going to disturb you, fire up Lightroom, and start work. Does that sound like you? It certainly sounds like me. But this makes photo processing something of […]
Review Corner: RAVPower RP-UC07 4‑Port USB Charger
As a geek, I used to struggle with the problem of charging multiple USB devices. Then I became a mobile app developer, and the situation got about eight times worse. I’ve tried to make things tidier here and there, but I still have a plethora of multi-sockets and wall warts around the place, and they’re […]
The Balloon Fiesta Is My Christmas
I’m not a massive fan of Christmas. There’s too much build-up. People have already started mentioning it this year; it’s August and it won’t be long before the ads are on telly and the shops are selling mince pies. There’s too much pressure on you not to spend it alone, if that’s what you prefer. […]