Spring Cleaning

You might find some strange, occasional hiccups with this blog and possibly its RSS feed over the next week or two.
Normal Service Will Be Resumed
Hello, dear reader! You may have noticed one or two extra posts overnight. This is because I’m in the process of changing from my homemade, terrifyingly ugly, “let’s learn about WordPress themes” theme to a vastly prettier theme made by Curt Ziegler. I’ll probably be done juggling the site around by the end of next […]
Gadfly Mind Meld
For the last couple of years, I’ve maintained a personal site here at gothick.org.uk and my rambly, tech‑y, meditate‑y blog, Gadfly Mind, elsewhere. Over the last couple of months, I’ve gradually moved to a point where I can easily merge them both together (getting them both using WordPress, for example.) And now I’ve done it. Everything […]
New Look
I’ve spent a fair chunk of this week learning about CSS and WordPress, because I figured both of those could come in handy, so here’s the new site design for your delectation. It’s almost entirely aesthetic update. The banner heading is from one of my own photographs, taken at Bristol Uni’s Botanic Garden earlier on […]
Day 33: The Big Monthly Review
So. I just read back all the entries so far. I’m going to try to summarise the bigger events and recurring themes, then I’m going to decide where I should go from here. The month as a whole has been a bit of a rollercoaster ride. Meditation first, I think. Meditation I’ve had insights and observations and […]