3 Jan 2022

New Year’s Praxis

New Year’s Praxis

I don’t find that new year’s resolutions work for me. Over the last decade I’ve developed a slightly different habit. Over the first few weeks after Christmas I try to do a few things that I want to encourage myself to do more of in the coming year.  It’s as simple as that. If I […]

3 Oct 2020

Improving the Home Working Setup

Improving the Home Working Setup

I’ve made a couple of improvements to the home working setup recently. The first was upgrading my monitor, helped along by a generous donation from my parents (thanks!) I went from an elderly-but-OK AOC display that I happened to find lying around the house in March, when the first lockdown started, to a 29″ LG […]

7 Feb 2020

Post-Interview Syndrome, Deliberate Distractions and Pushing the Fast-Forward Button

Post-Interview Syndrome, Deliberate Distractions and Pushing the Fast-Forward Button

His first movement after the shock had been to work in his loom; and he went on with this unremittingly, never asking himself why, now he was come to Raveloe, he worked far on into the night to finish the tale of Mrs. Osgood’s table-linen sooner than she expected — without contemplating beforehand the money she would […]

28 Sep 2017



342/365 When you want to be out taking photos but you’re stuck at work.

31 Aug 2017