First Shots from the Fujifilm X100T
I love my big DSLR. But the problem is just that — it’s big. With a decent zoom lens, a full-frame Canon DSLR is pretty unwieldy. After umming and ahhing for many months, I finally bought a decent little camera as a daily walk-around. A camera that’s small enough to stick into my rucksack, or even into […]
Double or Nothing
I often run out of space on my MacBook. It’s one of the second generation Airs, from 2010, the entry-level model. It came with a 120GB drive, which seemed a bit small at the time, and has looked increasingly tiny as I’ve added Eclipse and Xcode and other development stuff over the years. I’ve recently moved […]
Musings on the Functional High Ground
Both my Macs are quite elderly right now. While they’re still powerful enough for most tasks I put them to, I’m starting to bump into issues just because of their age. For example, Intel don’t seem to be too bothered about supporting Core 2 Duo chips in HAXM any more, which is stopping my Android […]
Review Corner: Lumsing Portable Waterproof Bluetooth Speaker
What’s bright green and surprisingly loud? No, this *is* still a tech blog, not a Kermit the Frog fan site. So the answer is the Lumsing Portable Waterproof Bluetooth Speaker. As you’ll remember, I recently invested in an Altec Lansing Life Jacket speaker, having seen its virtues extolled on The Wirecutter. It’s a great gadget, but […]
Favourite Photo of the Month 2014
It’s become a habit of mine to look back through all my photos at the end of a year and pick one favourite from each month. These aren’t necessarily my best photos, technically, but they’re photos I personally like, that say something to me. Here are my 2014 favourites. Click through to see them on Flickr. […]