15 Dec 2014

Burn Rate

Burn Rate

Listening to Episode 18 of the Analogue1 podcast, on the topic of self confidence, I was nodding in sympathy as Casey was comparing his photography to that of another photographer, and finding himself wanting. It’s easy to do — you look through someone’s photo stream on Flickr, say, and are blown away by how much better their […]

7 Nov 2014



I wasn’t sure about running colour film though the Lordomat. It seemed a little anachronistic, given that colour film wasn’t in everyday use by amateurs when the camera was manufactured. On the other hand, creative anachronism isn’t a bad thing, and a friend of mine said I should try Ektar, so I was swayed. As […]

2 Nov 2014

Shooting with History: The Leidolf Lordomat

Shooting with History: The Leidolf Lordomat

I bought a little piece of history last month. I’d been idly wondering if a rangefinder camera might suit my shooting style. Rangefinders are small, subtle cameras — they don’t need the space inside to handle the big flipping mirror arrangement of an SLR, and losing the mirror means the lens can be smaller, too. Rangefinders are so […]

6 Oct 2014

Flickr Milestone

Flickr Milestone

I just hit something of a Flickr milestone. I was helped over this limit by getting a few photos in Explore recently. This is my favourite, which I’ve just ordered printed on aluminium for putting on my bathroom wall :D Hopefully it’ll look all right. He was hard to get close to, so this is […]

3 Oct 2014

Photography Tip: Commentary Processing

Photography Tip: Commentary Processing

You come home from a photo walk with a cardful of images. You find some free time, and then you shut yourself away in a room, make sure nobody’s going to disturb you, fire up Lightroom, and start work. Does that sound like you? It certainly sounds like me. But this makes photo processing something of […]