When Books Have History

While I enjoy my Kindle for portability and versatility, my recent One Mile Matt project has had me diving into proper physical books for one reason or another. I’d almost forgotten how nice it can be to feel and smell the age of an old book. For October, Best-Smelling Book of the Month Award1 goes […]
One Mile Matt Progress

So, a while back I had a vague idea to get some more exercise, take a few more photos, and do some coding: my One Mile Matt project. My aim was to walk every street within a mile of my house. When I made that last post, I’d done a few walks, taken a few photos, […]
Favourite Photo of the Month, 2020

January I’d got out of the habit of riding the ferries, so I treated myself on my birthday in January. February Another month, another ferry ride. I normally wouldn’t have two similar photos so close together in my favourites, but even back before Covid-19 came along I wasn’t taking many photos. I’d just got a […]
One-Mile Matt

I heard about “burbing” the other day and it got me thinking — I’d already been wondering if I’d explored all my local walking options for lockdown exercise as I was getting a bit bored with my normal routes. I’ve lived here in Hotwells for more than twenty years now, so it’s hardly surprising I’m fairly familiar […]
Improving the Home Working Setup

I’ve made a couple of improvements to the home working setup recently. The first was upgrading my monitor, helped along by a generous donation from my parents (thanks!) I went from an elderly-but-OK AOC display that I happened to find lying around the house in March, when the first lockdown started, to a 29″ LG […]