A New Dawn

So. Photo 30 out of 30 in my September photo-a-day. Actually, I’m going to cheat today and choose two photos from this morning to finish off the project. I checked the weather yesterday, and it said it was going to rain all day for the foreseeable future, starting today, so I got out as early as […]
High Tide

7/30 in my September photo-a-day. I went for a lunchtime walk today. This isn’t something I’ve done often since I started working from home, but going for a few walks during my week off might have got me to thinking that it’s a good idea. It’s a nice view to have on your doorstep, albeit accompanied by […]

6/30 in my September photo-a-day. No Balloon Fiesta this year, sadly, but I was doing the crossword early this morning when I heard the telltale sound of a gas burner, so popped outside with the camera to do some… well, street photography, I suppose! According to Jess — the first place I check for bloon-related news — it was part […]
Barrow Gurney Reservoirs

5/30 in my September photo-a-day. My friends Sarah and Vik went on a really long walk from their place to Dundry and surrounds. I joined them for a section from Dundry down to the Barrow Gurney Reservoirs.
Long-form Lockdown Project: A Random Album Player

For the last couple of years, I’ve been trying to combat my shortening attention span, mostly by getting back into longer-form media. Books, for example: in 2019 I set myself a target of reading a couple of books a month, and actually managed to read 41 in the year. Based on that, my challenge this […]