New Year’s Praxis

I don’t find that new year’s resolutions work for me. Over the last decade I’ve developed a slightly different habit. Over the first few weeks after Christmas I try to do a few things that I want to encourage myself to do more of in the coming year. It’s as simple as that. If I […]

46/365 I’ve not been doing my morning pages for a while. Perhaps if I lay everything out in advance…
I Has Made a Web Site
‘This is just like when you post what you think is a really fucking original photo to Flickr and the first fucking comment you get is “Hi! I’m an admin for the ‘Upside-down photos of penguins wearing bobblehats (shot on Velvia)’ group, and we’d love to have your photo added to the 2,947,341 photos that […]
Book Published!
Hurrah! As Hayley, my erstwhile editor, notes in her blog, the book that I wrote a moderate chunk of last year has now been published: Defining Moments in Science: Over a Century of the Greatest Scientists, Discoveries, Inventions and Events That Rocked the Scientific World Disclaimer: I don’t actually have a copy of it yet, […]