Revealing the Library Folder in OS X Mavericks
My post on Revealing Lion’s Hidden Library Folder is by far the most popular post on this blog. It seems that plenty of people thought that hiding the Library folder in the Lion release of OS X was a step too far, and plenty of them wanted to un-hide it. It seems that Apple might have realised […]

Yesterday I turned forty one. Last year, a few days before my birthday, I went on a long walk around Bristol and Leigh Woods in the fresh snow. The walk through the woods was so lovely that I’ve decided to try turning it into a birthday tradition. Yesterday there was no snow, so I decided to explore […]
Obsolete Paper

It’s Spring. Or it feels like it, anyway. So I’m pruning my (paper book) library, picking out anything from the shelves that I’ll never read again, or that has no sentimental value, and chucking it into a cardboard box to be taken to a charity shop. Sadly, though, there are some books that shouldn’t even […]