AD2: Walking In This World
My second1 artist date of the year was a glorious walk through Leigh Woods, helped to be even more glorious by the weather. One of the joys of working from home, for me, is the ability to take a day off at the drop of a hat. Obviously this is a work-from-home superpower that should […]
Favourite Photos of the Month, 2012
On New Year’s Eve, I like to put together a little retrospective view of my year’s worth of Flickr photos. I do this by picking the one photo from each month of the year that I like best. It might not be the most technically brilliant photo of the month — I’m just as likely to pick […]
Shooting Balloons
The 2012 Bristol International Balloon Fiesta is next weekend, 9th-12th August. I love the Balloon Fiesta. From the 6am mass ascents to the cheesy musical chaos of the Night Glows and the fireworks late at night, it’s a great show. The early morning mass ascents — co-ordinated take-offs of a hundred or more hot air balloons, all drifting […]
Make Life Easier with Photography Support Apps
Last Friday morning, my friend Jess tweeted about the humungous superyacht that’s currently lurking in Bristol Harbour (clearly a James Bond villain is in town.) There was lots of activity in the harbour – tugs moving, the Harbour Master zipping around, that sort of thing. Could it be moving out of the harbour today? If […]
A Year of DailyBooth
It’s been about a year since I started using DailyBooth to take a snapshot of myself. I’ve not kept it up every day, but yesterday I hit the 300 photo mark. As luck would have it, my friend Jose mentioned Pummelvision to me over lunch today. Pummelvision is a service that creates videos from still photos, […]