Long-form Lockdown Project: Wired and Boxed

That silly thing I was working on? Well, my extra buttons and LED holders and a step drill bit and a cheap box arrived (thanks, RS and eBay, especially RS for having a vast range of boxes that you can filter by dimensions) and so I got out my soldering iron and wired it all together in a more permanent form:
So. Now I have a little box, fetchingly 1980s-looking (well, that was when I learned to solder) that has a button I can push to play a random album from Spotify on my Echo, and also two spare buttons for who-knows-what future purpose?

It was nice to be making stuff again, even if it’s fairly simple stuff in this case. And at least it was a few evenings where I wasn’t just watching telly and trying to forget about being in lockdown…
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Long-form Lockdown Project: A Random Album Player | Gothick.org.uk
June 6, 2020[…] Check out the next post along if you want to see it all boxed up and working. […]