19 Sep 2020

Leigh Woods Light

Leigh Woods Light

19/30 in my September photo-a-day. Taken on a nice long walk in Leigh Woods with my friends Sarah and Vik.

18 Sep 2020



18/30 in my September photo-a-day. A spiky little succulent, one from a set of three that sit on one of my lounge windowsills. I like being surrounded by plants. And I’m gradually getting better at keeping them alive. This is an echo of an earlier post from when I did a photo a day for a year. […]

17 Sep 2020

I’ve Started, So I’ll Finish…

I’ve Started, So I’ll Finish…

17/30 in my September photo-a-day. Not an inspiring photo today. I had to stay in for an Amazon package (which has yet to arrive, and it’s 8:20pm, so I guess that’s not happening…) so there wasn’t much scope for photography. Instead, here’s a “record shot” — the books and magazines I have started and not yet finished at […]

16 Sep 2020



16/30 in my September photo-a-day. Another lunchtime, another wander down the Portway. I like the grumpy downward look of the seagull, as if he’s making sure the human he just pushed in the river is drowning as expected. And the texture of the rotting mooring pier pillar. But mostly the seagull. Bonus pic:

15 Sep 2020



15/30 in my September photo-a-day. I spotted this woodpecker on a wall on Sion Hill when I was up in Clifton Village yesterday, but he was a fair way away and I only had the X100 with me, so it was hard to get a good picture. I went back today with the 6D and a […]