
Posted by on Nov 6, 2007 in Journalism, Photography, Writing | No Comments

I’ve been a little quiet here recently; I have been working, and working on writing, but this has been for a book that’ll hopefully be published next year (I’m not writing the whole thing, just contributing some articles.) I’m going to get paid for it, if all goes well, so that’ll be one of my goals for the year accomplished — actually getting paid for writing.

As well as that, I think I’m ready to make the next step up in photography — making a real effort to raise my game, and perhaps buying a better camera, with a decent lens and more manual control. I think I’ve taken some pretty good photos over the last year or two, but I’m starting to look around at (a) the creativity of some of my semi-pro photographer friends and (b) the kind of quality being provided to stock photo sites, and it’s making me want to learn a lot more.

So. That’s roughly what’s going on with me. I can see a vague niche forming for me — tech journalism/blogging/podcasting, and I’m going to get a plan together for next year with the aim of getting more visibility from my writing — and more income.

« Pictures and quotes and podcasts, oh my! | Going well… »