Day Twenty One: On Walking and Ego
Good news and bad news today. Bad first: this morning’s session wasn’t good; there was a lot of ego-based thoughts, little wish-fulfilment aren’t-I-great fantasies that drew me away from the meditation. That was when I wasn’t thinking about the meditation rather than actually getting on and meditating. The only good thing was that I didn’t seem to be that tired.
However, on the plus side I tried a walking meditation last night. Not a long one, but maybe ten minutes, from the Marks & Spencer on the harbourside to home, after a podcast that I was listening to had finished. And it was very good. I managed to get into the swing of it pretty easily, keeping just enough awareness not to bump into people or walk into the road, but with distracting thoughts at a bare minimum. I tried to increase awareness of my body that seemed to go well too, the rhythm of the walking and the feel of the ground beneath my feet…
I think I’ll try it again this evening, see what happens, then I might give it a try tomorrow morning, too. Maybe getting started with the walking meditation might bootstrap my seated meditation somehow.