Favourite Photo of the Month 2018

What do you mean, am I posting this just so I can say I blogged in 2018? Yeah, okay, it’s a fair cop. And my end-of-year fave photo roundup is something of a tradition…
The stringlights at the Underfall Yard café caught my eye during a wander.

An everyday sight in Bristol, but also ever-changing and beautiful.

Not many people made it to this office on this snow day in March. My friend Lisa and I heard about a mass snowball fight that was planned for the Downs and left work a little early to go see it.

I was still on my photo-a-day project back in April. It’s tough to find something different to snap every day, but the discipline meant I was always looking around on my way to work. This reflection was in the window of the Thali Cafe in Clifton Village.

When it rained in the mornings, I used to take the bus rather than walk. On this morning, I had my Leidolf Lordomat loaded with Ilford XP2 Super.
In the end, though, the buses were just too unreliable in Bristol to be worth catching, rain or not.

Another walk-to-work snap, this time of the familiar sight of Clifton’s Roman Catholic Cathedral of SS Peter and Paul. The “three pin plug” of the spire is meant to represent the Holy Trinity, I’m told…

On a walk with my friends Sarah and Vik, I was lucky enough to just react in time as these kids hacked past us in an alleyway in the salubrious Temple area of Bristol.

I did not have a particularly long lens in the Farne Islands, so this isn’t a particularly good photo of a puffin. But this is one of the abiding memories of my week in Northumberland, so it gets chosen for August even though I have several technically better photos from the month.

Another walk with Sarah and Vik. This is Sarah. Sunset at Entrance Lock, Bristol, about five minutes’ walk from my flat.

Walking to meet Sarah and Vik not far from my flat again — I was a real homebody this year! — I spotted this early morning squabble.

Only a teensy bit further from home, this autumn snap is from a wander with Sarah in Brislington’s Nightingale Valley.

I have a regular appointment in North Street, and either before or afterwards I like to hang out in Tin Can Coffee. This seems to capture the rainy day mood earlier this month.

PS: Thanks to Sarah and Vik for very much being the people that kept me getting out of the house on the days I wasn’t just dragging myself to work! It’s thanks to them that I at least had a photo for every month this year.