Linen Backdrop
Here are some linen-textured backgrounds, with a vignette added, that I think work pretty nicely as a backdrop. The size/aspect ratio here (1920x1080) works well on both my iMac and MacBook Air — let me know if you’d like me to generate a different size. (All created with Pixelmator, mostly because it has an extra random noise […]
Clean Linen
I’ve just been fooling around in Pixelmator, and created some quite nice-looking (if I do say so myself) linen-style desktop backgrounds for my iMac and MacBook. You can find them over here, under my “Software and Freebies” area. Here’s a small version of one of them, to give you the idea: Enjoy!
Fantastical adds better Alfred support
FAO Mac keyboardistas. I am very much enjoying Alfred as a Quicksilver replacement; it’s a great app with great support. With easy Fantastical support as well, it’s even better. Now I just kick off Alfred and type “f tomorrow 10pm Ian’s party” to add a new appointment to my iCal calendar. Nice. preppeller: Just a […]
Building a Lorenz Attractor In XSLT
I have been clearing my desk, physically and metaphorically, getting ready for my next big thing. One of the things on my desk was my research and experiments in generating a Lorenz Attractor fractal directly in web browsers using pure XSLT, just to prove it could be done. I have finally polished up my results, and […]
A Year of DailyBooth
It’s been about a year since I started using DailyBooth to take a snapshot of myself. I’ve not kept it up every day, but yesterday I hit the 300 photo mark. As luck would have it, my friend Jose mentioned Pummelvision to me over lunch today. Pummelvision is a service that creates videos from still photos, […]